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Refund Policy

We practice a fair refund policy and aim towards satisfying and delighting our customers, while offering them a facility of ordering products online through our website. However, we shall adhere to standards that define in processing ‘refunds’ based on the below discussed cases, for your reference and understanding.

DISPUTE RESOLUTION &  Governing Law and Jurisdiction & Cancellation & Refund Policy

Since we are Tied up with online food delivery partners , those refund plicies will get applied from time to time , hence we recommend you to go through those online Food delivery portals for further information on refund policy

Case Scenario (Allergy) :

The Products which are listed on website may cause food allergy to you which include, but are not limited to nuts, white flour, vegetable oil, milk and dairy products etc.

If you suffer from any food allergies, please enquire with support@oceans7.in, about the product/s that you wish to purchase/order online. If you place the order without doing so and you or beneficiary or recipient of the product face any discomfort or deterioration in health, OCEANS 7  expressly disclaims any liability for the same. We have provided a customer support mechanism as a part of our service delivery to prevent any such unfortunate instances. Moreover, if ‘You’ or any person who is intended to consume the product so ordered suffers from any food allergy of any kind then ‘You’ for yourself and for such person hereby agree to waive of any claims that you or he/she/they may have against OCEANS 7  and agree to indemnify and keep indemnified, well and sufficiently saved and harmless against any loss that OCEANS 7  may suffer as a result of you having consumed such items/product.

 Force Majeure

  1. “Force Majeure” means and includes any circumstance beyond the reasonable control of the party hereto, including without limitation, the following: any act of nature or the public enemy, accident, explosion, fire, storm, earthquake, flood, drought, perils of the sea, the elements, insect/snake bite, casualty, strikes, lock-outs, labour troubles, riots, sabotage, embargo, war (whether or not declared), governmental laws, regulations, orders, or decrees, unavailability of raw material, or seizure.
  2. In case the performance of any terms or provisions hereof shall be delayed or prevented because of an event of Force Majeure, We may, suspend performance during the period such cause continues, and no liability shall attach against either party on account thereof. We shall diligently attempt to remove such cause or causes with reasonable dispatch. As soon as any event of Force Majeure is remedied, the parties’ respective rights, obligations and performance as set forth in this Agreement shall be immediately reinstated.